


The steam turbine system is the power source of the ship. In this system, the function of the trap is to remove steam condensate, avoid the corrosion and impact of moisture on the system equipment, and prevent the system from clogging or even malfunctioning. Using the "self-powered" working principle of the trap, the system can automatically open and close the valve according to the water level or pressure, so as to achieve efficient and safe water removal and ensure the continuous and stable operation of the system.

定襄县| 缙云县| 白河县| 庆云县| 石景山区| 大悟县| 仙桃市| 大城县| 蓬莱市| 红河县| 沙河市| 准格尔旗| 丽水市| 张家港市| 南宫市| 平南县| 胶南市| 河曲县| 确山县| 漯河市| 乡宁县| 扶沟县| 鄯善县| 龙井市| 榆林市| 姜堰市| 班戈县| 收藏| 抚顺县| 松原市| 新营市| 清水县| 石渠县| 台前县| 东城区| 江西省| 嵩明县| 大名县| 台南县| 景洪市| 桂林市|