


Nominal size DN: 15 20 25 50

Connection mode: internal thread flange
Nominal pressure PN: PN25
Pressure difference range: MPa: 0.01 to 1.6
PMA/TMA PMa/℃ : 1.7/260
Temperature adjustment range / ° C: 88 ~ 95
Shell material: A105

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1.discharge temperature can be adjusted, effective use of condensate sensible heat, energy saving effect is good.

2.large displacement, no noise, can be installed in any direction.

3.condensate discharge temperature is set between 85-95℃, so that the temperature of the heating equipment is stable.

4.anti-freeze, anti-water shock.

Application: Widely used in all kinds of steam heating equipment, tracing pipeline, heating, instrument insulation system.

Note: The front end of the trap is preferably not insulated within 1m.

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