

Combined condensate recovery heat tracing station

Uses: Mainly used for the centralized collection and transportation of condensate in industrial steam heating systems such as petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile, papermaking, printing and dyeing, pharmaceutical, power station, etc.
Download Combined condensate recovery heat tracing station

The traps, valves and condensate collectors are designed and checked to form a compact, standardized package: the condensate recovery bundle CM series.


1. Save the assembly time on the project site

2. Save engineering costs, reduce procurement and design time

3. The design and installation are flexible and convenient

4. Long service life

5. Replacement and maintenance are convenient and simple

6. Equipped with a series of bell-shaped float type (inverted bucket type) stainless steel traps, and other types of traps (such as TB series bimetallic traps, J series free float? traps) can also be indicated when ordering 7. If the customer has special layout of the pipeline requirements, it can provide the particularity to meet the user's on-site requirements to redesign the pipe bundle structure layout.

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